Devuan GNU+Linux is a free software operating system for your computer. Free software means you are free to use, copy and distribute, study, change the software, and share your modifications with the community.


The Devuan Project receives donations via the Foundation, a non-profit organization based in the Netherlands and dedicated to the advancement of free software and free culture since almost two decades.

Monetary donations are very important to keep Devuan going in this phase: to maintain more infrastructure, fund residency periods for developers, sprints and audits. Donations can be sent via bank wire transfer and PayPal.

We maintain a yearly history of how all funds are used:

Donations have continued to come in and were partly used to pay for additional infrastructure. We still have a reasonable reserve left as a saftety net. Please do consider a donation today: the funds contribute to the stability of this effort and are a good reality check for everyone involved, telling us how much we are all investing in this project to ensure its sustainability.

Sponsorships are also very welcome and will be prominently stated on the Devuan webpage and in our announcements.

And don’t forget that there are other ways to contribute to Devuan. Donations of equipment are always welcome - ARM or MIPS boards or PowerPC/Sparc hardware. Perhaps host a mirror or help with documentation. We cannot grow without your feedback and active participation. In fact, it is essential. Please join us!

Thank you for your support!

Via Paypal and creditcard

Bank Transfer

Please send your donations with the description ‘Devuan donation’. foundation (non-profit)

Bank: ABN-AMRO - Amsterdam, The Netherlands

IBAN: NL87ABNA0406496021


Thanks for all your support!

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