Devuan GNU+Linux is a free software operating system for your computer. Free software means you are free to use, copy and distribute, study, change the software, and share your modifications with the community.

Devuan Development

The Devuan Development Team is a diverse group of people passionate about Devuan, its growth and sustainability.

Devuan specific Source Code is available on our git store.

Devuan’s Simple Distro Kit (SDK) provides tools to customise Devuan and make new derivative distributions.

Devuan is the base OS for a growing number of derivative distributions.

Amprolla is the heart of Devuan that merges various apt repositories in a minimal and modular way. There would be no Devuan without amprolla. Amprolla Source

Community ARM Development is a place for ARM enthusiasts to improve and build ARM images.

The continuous integration builds of each package are on

Summary of the First Devuan Conference held April 5-7, 2019 at Dyne headquarters in Amsterdam.

To get in touch with developers go to IRC Freenode #devuan-dev.

There is also a developers mailinglist: devuan-dev.

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