D-Bus free software in Devuan
This lists software included in Devuan that is completely free of D-Bus uncumberment.
Window managers
With suggestions from the Devuan community.
- fluxbox
- blackbox
- openbox
- fvwm
- fvwm-crystal
- icewm
- metacity
- evilwm
- windowmaker
- mutter
- sawfish
- icewm
- dwm
- i3
- wmaker
File managers
- xfe
- pcmanfm
- rox-filer
- mc
- gentoo
- fdclone
- s3dfm
- tkdesk
- ytree
- vifm
Display managers
- nodm
- ldm
- xdm
- wdm
Web browsers
- midori
- surf
- dillo
- links2
- links
- elinks
- lynx
- edbrowse
- w3m
Music players
- deadbeef
- cmus
- cdcd
- lxmusic
- randomplay
Media players
- totem
- xine-ui
- mplayer2
- mpv
- melt
IRC clients
- weechat
- irssi
- ekg2-ui-gtk
- scrollz
- loqui
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