Devuan GNU+Linux is a free software operating system for your computer. Free software means you are free to use, copy and distribute, study, change the software, and share your modifications with the community.

Devuan GNU/Linux installation, upgrades and minimalism

This documentation provides information on installing, upgrading and migrating to Devuan and how to reduce the system to a more minimal state. The wiki is also available in languages other than English.

All releases

General information
Installing Devuan
Full disk encryption
Network configuration
Devuan without D-Bus
D-Bus free software
Minimal xorg install
Minimal XFCE install


Migrate to ASCII
Upgrade to ASCII


Upgrade Devuan to Beowulf
Migrate from Debian Buster
Migrate from Debian Stretch
Migrate from Debian Jessie


Translations have been made available thanks to the wiki team.

Leer en Español | Leggi in Italiano

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