Devuan GNU+Linux is a free software operating system for your computer. Free software means you are free to use, copy and distribute, study, change the software, and share your modifications with the community.


This message was sent to the DNG mailing list on December, 22, 2014 to follow up on the previous announcement of the Debian fork. It is kept here for historical interest.

        ## Debian Fork Update

        Dear Init Freedom lovers,

        Once again the Veteran Unix Admin collective salutes you!

        This is an update on the progress of the project, born out of
        the declaration to defend our growing community from the
        systemd avalanche.

        This update is quite packed so we will break it down in sections.

        ### Infrastructure

        Mostly thanks to the hard work made by our fellow VUA Franco Lanza we
        have made a lot of progress setting up Devuan's infrastructure, from
        code repository to building facility to packaging.

        #### Code repository

        On popular request, Devuan has now its own Git repository and does not
        depends anymore on GitHub, which can be optionally used as a mirror on a
        per-project basis.

        Devuan uses GitLab on as the origin for the
        official Devuan sources, as well as a wiki for documentation, planning
        and collective drafting of documents.

        We welcome any Init Freedom lover developing solutions to resist the
        systemd avalanche to push code also into our repository, applying for
        our review and evaluation and, if reasonably in need, request our
        financial support.  Those willing to get involved are welcome to create
        an account on and signal it on `#devuan-dev`
        (freenode IRC).

        #### Build facility

        This is the most recent achievement on infrastructure development: last
        night the first devuan-baseconf package was built correctly through our
        continuous integration infrastructure, pulling directly from our source

        The pipeline `code -> build -> package` for Devuan is realized using
        `git -> jenkins -> dak` and lays down a smooth road to automate the
        integration of mature codebases into the Devuan package repository.

        #### Package repository

        This was the first part of our infrastructure to be set up & running, it
        currently contains the devuan-baseconf package and is being tested in
        various situations, including the very servers on which Devuan is

        By the next update we can expect a range of packages ready for
        beta-testing, providing a devuan package that automatically does pinning
        on a Debian 8 "Jessie" and installs components and shims to keep systemd
        away and stay with sysvinit as default for PID1.

        ### Research

        Besides consolidating our own infrastructure, we are also following and
        supporting any cutting-edge research on strategies and expedients to
        support Init Freedom.

        #### ConsoleKit2

        A prolific researcher known by the nickname of max2344 has made well
        informed contributions and has already published a number of
        repositories patched to avoid systemd: ConsoleKit2, udisks2, policykit-1
        and pcsc-lite

        In the coming time we wish to support max2344 on these efforts, test
        and, if useful for the 1.0 release, integrate this code into the Devuan
        build pipeline. Meanwhile max2344 has set up an independent repository
        to test his packages at

        #### Loginkitd (working name)

        The research conducted by Dimkr went into the implementation of a
        compatible, yet standalone alternative to logind and libsystemd which
        does not depend on a specific init system.  Loginkitd aims to act as a
        glue layer that exposes logind's interface, but uses ConsoleKit2 as a
        backend. This work made good progress and debunked several undocumented
        aspects of how logind, DBus and GDM
        interact. Dimkr is also the author of
        "nosystem" a tiny library to replace libsystemd with stubs

        The VUA collective has decided to use part of the donations received on to support Dimkr's research with hardware he needed.

        #### libudev1

        A fellow VUA and developer Matteo Panella is exploring the horizon of
        libudev1 and is planning to present some of his findings any time
        soon. He has been actively contributing to open technical discussions on
        our first dng mailinglist.

        ### What to keep your eyes peeled for?

        Around are more projects that are not directly linked to Devuan and are
        worthed to support and keep an eye on. We recommend following:

         - eudev
         - vdev
         - uselessd

        We consider these projects also eligible for our financial support: if
        you are involved in one of them and you are in need of it please contact
        us! write an email to

        ### Worth reading

        The good folks at Troubleshooters.Com®, Linux Library and Init System
        Ideas are presenting The Manjaro Experiments

        The documentation on the generic Without systemd wiki is growing and
        seems to be the most comprehensive collection of links and informations
        on initiatives trying to resist the systemd avalanche.

        ### Finances

        The finances of the Devuan project are administered by the
        foundation, an international organization based in Amsterdam. commits to financial transparency and will publish financial
        reports for this project, keeping them updated every year.

        The current financial report for 2014 is already made available:

        Our gratitude goes to donors that supported us so far, despite the early
        stage of the project, and to all those who will decide to do so in the
        future. Through the year 2015 We intend to use donations to advance
        towards a Devuan 1.0 release that can seamlessly substitute Debian
        Jessie while keeping its users safe from the systemd avalanche.  At this
        stage, sponsors to support us in this quest are also welcome.

        Donations to the Devuan project can be made in several ways:

         - To Paypal account `` with reason "VUA"
         - Via Stripe (creditcard) from website
         - To Bitcoin address *1QFbx3bKA8LABAGEaSe7EiP9JCxe2j4fN7*
         - Via bank wiretransfer, with description 'VUA donation', to:,
           bank ABN-AMRO (Amsterdam, The Netherlands), IBAN: NL87ABNA0406496021,
           BIC: ABNANL2A

        ### Community

        The Devuan community is growing at a steady pace! Here some numbers:

        #### IRC (on

         - `#debianfork` counts an average of 300 people present
           (general talk, not strictly devuan related)
         - `#devuan` counts an average of 200 people present
           (devuan related talk)
         - `#devuan-dev` is just born with a small group there
           (devuan development talk, strictly technical issues)

        #### Mailinglist (dng at

        Counting 343 subscribers as of today, our mailinglist contains
        discussions about a wide range of topic, maybe too wide :^) and
        represents the first campfire for this project.

        Subscription and archives are on:

        BTW dng is now also archived on GMane and accessible via NNTP

        #### Human language translations

        Initiatives to translate the information around the Devuan project have
        quickly and independently started and we are grateful to anyone taking
        such initiatives. The French page on has already a
        translation of our frontpage! Donc:

          Ne paniquez pas, on va fork Debian™! :^)

        Also the domain is getting ready to translate and mirror
        contents. Anyone willing to contribute to the project in this phase is
        welcome to start such initiatives in his/her mother-language.

        #### Logo

        Quite some threads went on the mailinglist about the Devuan logo and way
        to present the project. While this is a minor priority for us now, we
        appreciate the enthusiasm and quality of contributions.

        Have a look at the gallery on the Without-systemd wiki

        As well to Alban Crommer's design study for Devuan

        Thanks! when the time will come for a 1.0 release we will certainly have
        choosen the best. So far most people seem to be enthusiastic about the
        galaxy designs in Alban's and Petrek's contributions.

        #### What to do about trolls

        We must not become acquainted to the fact that systemd discussions are
        swarmed by trolls fostering aggressive behaviour and personalized
        attacks of sorts. With the Devuan project and its early Debianfork
        declaration we did our best to avoid such dynamics, to bring forward a
        constructive discussion and action plan to respond to the systemd
        avalanche with technical analyses and solutions.

        We kindly ask the community gathering around Devuan to take us seriously
        on this and avoid aggressive behaviour. Everyone should use extra
        attention when engaging criticism and in any case avoid any
        personalization, but stick to facts.

        Recently on our mailinglist we have seen at least two threads calling
        the Devuan project a fraud. To such insults and defamations we believe
        we can respond with attention to details and educated responses to what
        can be a legitimate criticism, but should never become a prejudicial
        attack beyond reasoning.

        As an aftermath to certain aggressions we understand that some members
        of the community have taken action against trolls to the point that they
        went exposing their identity and threatening some sort of revenge. The
        VUA collective, the foundation and its representative Denis
        Roio who has been also targeted by trolls aggressions do not take part
        in such retaliations, do not approve them nor desire to be associated
        with them in any way. We will keep doing everything possible to keep
        Devuan a pleasant project to get involved in without any personal risk
        and we invite any member of the community engaging such dynamics to
        desist, leave trolls alone and ignore them.  We will keep actively
        moderating the mailinglist and IRC channels with a growing number of
        volunteers to avoid such situations.

        At last, we applaud and deride the @shitdevuansays twitter account for
        playing such an early parody on our project. We understand this is the
        attitude of systemd supporters and we are not offended by it, rather
        than thankful for contributing to the notoriety of Devuan.

        ### That's all folks!

        And thanks for all the support and participation so far, we leave you
        with a funny comic strip by titled Systemd World: the
        Park is open

        featuring our project Devuan: we are honored to sit besides Slackware,
        an ancient and respectable GNU/Linux distribution that seems to have
        still a lot to teach, even to Veteran Unix Admins.

        To contact the Veteran Unix Admins, write to


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